Sunday, January 25, 2009

Rowans Turn!

I loved reading about my cousin Max so much that I decided to write my own entry (with a little help from my Mom).

First of all, my favorite thing in the world is brushes. I just can't get enough of them. When my Mom is not looking, I sneak into her bathroom and pull all of hers out and just play. I'm even getting good enough to start brushing my own hair but it's not quite as good as Mommy does it.

My second favorite thing is taking a bath. The minute Mommy says "tubbie" I start running for the stairs up to the bathroom. I'll sit in there til the water is freezing cold but I don't mind... I just keep splishing and splashing.

Then there's my blankies. I have three of them and you'll always find me dragging one around behind me. I also love it in the morning when I wake up and Mom wraps me up in one of them and let's me cuddle on her lap while I drink my bottle. I think she kinda likes it too!

I love laundry day too! Mom makes a big pile of the dirty clothes and I play and jump on the pile of clothes until she has it all sorted out. Then I start crawling in and out of the full laundry baskets.

I love my Mom's computer too! I am always pushing all the buttons on it opening the cd-rom drives and occasionally hitting the power button and shutting it off. Mommy gets mad at me when I do that but I still do it anyways. I just don't understand the word "no!".

Here is me and my big sister playing. I really like her alot. She always makes me laugh and plays fun games with me. In the afternoon I stand by the front window and watch for the bus to bring her home. I can't wait for her to be back from school.
This is a new favorite "toy". Mom bought a stool for the kitchen and I think it works better as a hat.


This is when Daddy dressed me up to go play out in the snow, but you'll see I have my keys with me. I used to always take Mommy and Daddy's until they got smart enough to make me my own set to play with. I never go anywhere without them.

Oh... this is a bad hair day. I generally wake up with some sort of "fancy" new 'do in the morning. It always makes my parents laugh.

Daddy let's me play with his hats, but I don't do it very much. Mom caught me here with it on one day.
This is my new Harley. It was actually my big sisters but she's a little too big for it now so I get to have it. I like pushing the buttons that make the motorcycle noises better than driving it but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it soon.

Here's some videos of me and my new motorcycle. Mommy got a new little camcorder so she'll have lots of new videos of me soon.

I'm not perfect all the time though. Mommy keeps calling me a "naughty boy" cause I can get into so much mischief. I figured out how to open the cabinets that Mommy put locks on so I am always getting into those. Then I figured out I could pull the chairs from the table into the kitchen and start getting into the drawers. I love banging the silverware together. Oh, and the best one yet... I can get the battery cover off of the remote control and take all the batteries out. That one drives Mom crazy. She's seems to always be chasing me around making sure I'm not doing something that I shouldn't do. Maybe I should give her a break... nah! I like it too much.

I've also started talking a little bit. I can say "Mom", "Dada", "shoes", "socks", and "outside". The other day I also learned how to say "hot" when my noodles were a bit too warm for me to eat. Now I say it anytime Mom tries to feed me, no matter what it is. Speaking of which, I love food too! I've got 16 teeth now so I can eat about anything, and I do. I love noodles, all sorts of fruits and vegetables, and my crackers.

Well, I better get going... there's something laying around this house just waiting for me to get into it...

Love, RoRo


Lil Gma said...

Thanks for sharing. Your kids are so very beautiful. I think that Rowan is a go-getter. I am glad that he is making his wishes known.

bcwaldmann said...

What a cute post! Rowan is ALL BOY! They love to keep their moms busy. I love the videos, Rowan wanted to be DIZZY! I wished I had that much energy. Give both the kids a big hug from MADDEN! SIDE NOTE- I think Bryan should have been doing the word verification it is abigmac.

Shayla said...

Roro, you are so darn cute. I wish that Max had some hair like you to even brush. You are lucky to have a mom that will let you play with whatever you find. If you become Grandpa's favorite you might inherit his Harley! We love you guys. It was so fun to see pictures. I love how Rowan waits for Kenny to come home, that is so sweet. And I about died reading Chelsie's comment on the a big mac! haha.