Saturday, May 3, 2008

Some Random Pictures

This was taken at Aunt Ang and Uncle Miles house. All the playing must have worn him out...

This is a cute picture we caught with Dad's hat on Rowan.

Rowan has been waking up in the middle of the night and we, as lazy parents, just pull him into bed with us. I had woken up and got Kennedy off to school for the day and when I came back upstairs this is what I saw. It was too cute not to capture on film.

Rowan will pretty much sleep anywhere. This was during his afternoon nap. He just crashed out on the floor.

Laundry baskets can be fun to play in... what we didn't capture was all the crying when he fell over 5 seconds later.
This is Dad's fault! He didn't seem to realize what would happen when he handed a 10 month old a piece of licorice. I will say that Rowan loves the stuff. He was pretty upset when I took it away. Then I made Dad go hose him down in the shower so I could have my precious little boy back.
This was taken in Kennedy's classroom after the Spring Sing. Rowan loved seeing all the kids.
This was also taken right after the Spring Sing. A good time was had by all!

1 comment:

Lil Gma said...

I notice that moms are never in the pictures.