Sunday, June 29, 2008

Happy First Birthday Rowan!

Our little Rowan James Skinner turned 1 year old today! Even though Dad wasn't able to be here, we wanted to make him some cupcakes and open the present from Kennedy and myself. Kennedy chose one of those phones that ring and you drag behind you with a cord. I'm sure most of us played with one when we were kids. I decided to top Oddies "Redneck Ballpit" with the "Ghetto Ballpit". It's a childs inflatable pool filled with 300 balls. Rowan absolutely loves it but I am really starting to regret it... balls may start dissapear when no ones looking, but you didn't hear that from me.

I decided that cupcakes would be the better choice for the day so here they are.

It took Rowan a minute to figure out that the cupcake is good...

But only a minute...

And this is the outcome...

More ended up on the chair....

And the tray than in his mouth!

He hit the shower to be hosed down after that.

I've decided that Rowan has good hair kinda like Brad Pitt. You can pretty much do anything with it and it looks good.

Now here is Kennedy's first birthday cake. She wasn't too impressed.

She did it pretty gracefully compared to Rowan. He has no problem getting dirty...

Gosh... those two look at lot alike at this age.... we'll have to see how this progresses.

Check back tomorrow for a little tribute to his first year.


Lil Gma said...

They do look somewhat alike. I am curious to see if Rowan truly likes chocolate like his mom or ends up like his papa. Those ghetto balls look like lots of fun.

Shayla said...

Happy Bday RoRo, can't wait to celebrate with you. Steph, I had fun reading your blog. Will see you soon.


Lorena said...

I can't believe how much alike they look. Same chubby cheeks.