Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Sprinkler Problem RESOLVED!!!!

That's right! I fixed it. You may have been wondering why there were just a bunch of pictures up of our sprinkler system. Well, I came home one afternoon and noticed that one zone of the backyard was soaked... I mean it was practically a pool leaking down into the rest of the yard. I freaked out and called Lucas in the middle of the day (the time he sleeps now cause he's on nights this trip), and he was so out of it he just told me to turn off the water and we'd figure it out later. Well three days later I figured it out... with a good bit of assistance from Jeremy! I owe you one buddy. He told me to check on thing on the valve and I unscrewed it and did but noticed that it wasn't screwed on very tight in the first place. I cleared out all the dirt and tightened it back on and viola!... all is working! Now I have to run the sprinklers like crazy to make up for the days we missed. Let's just hope the grass still comes in... it's pretty covered in weeds at the moment but if we all pray like you've never prayed before for the seed to start growing... there may be hope yet. Get to it everyone!

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